(C) 2000 Lorelai Kude All Rights Reserved
Everything delicious about living in Jerusalem, where Heaven and Earth come together and everyone wants a piece of the action!
Friday, June 26, 2009
Weeping for Tammuz
(C) 2000 Lorelai Kude All Rights Reserved
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Afghans Stone Women Protesting Sex Law

Women's rights activists scheduled a protest Wednesday attended by mostly young women. But the group was swamped by counter-protesters — both men and women — who shouted down the women's chants.
Shiite backers of the law say that foreigners are meddling in private Afghan affairs, and Wednesday's demonstrations brought some of the emotions surrounding the debate over the law to the surface.
"You are a dog! You are not a Shiite woman!" one man shouted to a young woman in a headscarf holding aloft a banner that said "We don't want Taliban law." The woman did not shout back at the man, but told him: "This is my land and my people."
Monday, April 13, 2009
Nasrallah to Ahmadinejad - "If Loving You is Wrong, I Don't Want to be Right!"

Friday, April 10, 2009
Counting The (H)Omer, the Simpsons Way!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009
The End isn't Near, It's HERE

Is the shit hitting the proverbial fan in your life? In the lives of people around you? Has "crisis" become a commonplace and constant feature in your daily existence? As on Earth, so in Heaven - and conversely, even more so.
So how does this affect daily life in the Holy City, the place we call Jerusalem, Israel? We who dwell here look at each other with knowing eyes. You who dwell without can only see us on TV, read our blogs, listen to uninformed talking heads discuss us in the press. You can't see anything, and you know less than nothing. We, however, are going into this with Eyes Wide Open on one hand, and Eyes Shut Tight on the other. For you see, there's always Another Hand...especially here, especially now.
Every soul that has ever been born before is rushing back for the Final Act, we're all here and we're all now and the stage is set...
(enter Bugs Bunny with a cane, in top hat and tails)
Overture! Hit the Lights!
This is It! The Night of Nights!
No more rehearsing, rehearsing of parts ... we know every part by heart!
And oh what heights we'll hit -
On with the Show! This is IT!
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Pakistan & Somalia Cave to Islamic Terrorists Demand for Sharia Law - YOU'RE NEXT, EUROPE

On February 18th, CNN reported:
Pakistani government officials announced Monday an agreement with the Taliban to allow strict Islamic law, or sharia, to be implemented in parts of North West Frontier Province. It marks a major concession by the Pakistani government in its attempt to hold off Taliban militants who have terrorized the region with beheadings, kidnappings, and the destruction of girls' schools...Sharia is defined as Islamic law but is interpreted with wide differences depending on the various sects of both Sunni and Shia Islam. So far, the Pakistani Taliban's interpretation of sharia has included banning girls from school, forcing women inside and outlawing forms of entertainment.
Today, CNN reports: Somali President Sharif Sheikh Hassan said Saturday he will give in to a rebel demand that he impose Islamic law, or Sharia, in the African country — an effort to halt fighting between Somali forces and Islamic insurgents. However, Hassan told a news conference he won’t agree to a strict interpretation of the law, which forbids girls from attending school, requires veils for women and beards for men, and bans music and television.
Meanwhile, on February 9th, the Daily Express reported that Sharia laws are being applied in secret in Muslim communities throughout Great Britain, "in clear defiance of the country's legal system." The Daily Express reports:Islamic scholars sit in mosques, converted living rooms and even a former pub to issue fatwas, or rulings, and adds that they have decided thousands of cases over the last 25 years.
This fresh development assumes significance in the wake of the condemnation of the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr. Rowan Williams, statement calling for an “accommodation” of some Islamic legal codes within the British legal system.
Islamic Fundamentalist Terrorists have effectively waged war for their value system and way of "life" (if you call living under Sharia law a life) from within and from without - via war, terrorism, kidnapping, rape, violence, etc. to force governments to bow to their will, and from within by infiltrating communities and demanding the right to set up their own court systems within the sovernity of other countries - the equivalent in the U.S. of a state like Texas being allowed to completely disregard Federal law in favor of their own home-grown version of justice, but still consider themselves a part of the United States.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Boycott Sony Ericsson until they demand Dubai grants a visa to Israeli tennis player!

BOYCOTT SONY ERICSSON and call their Investor Relations / PR people and tell them why!
Follow the money. Without Sony Ericsson's sponsorship dollars, there IS no tennis tour. Putting pressure on the UAE is useless, and the WTA itself has already proved to have neither morals nor balls (no pun intended).
Sony Ericsson Global Communications and PR
Aldo Liguori (London) +44 20 8762 5860
Merran Wrigley (London) +44 20 8762 5862
Simone Bresi-Ando (London) +44 20 8762 5863
North America Corporate Communications
Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications Inc.
7001 Development Drive
Research Triangle Park, North Carolina 27709 USA
Telephone: 919/472-1400 (EST time zone)
Drew Crowell
GolinHarris for Sony Ericsson
Liz Edelbrock
GolinHarris for Sony Ericsson
Reference the following story from CNN:
DUBAI, United Arab Emirates -- The United Arab Emirates has refused to grant a visa to a female Israeli tennis player, preventing her from competing in the Sony Ericsson World Tennis Association Tour in Dubai, the WTA said in a statement Sunday.
The move runs counter to WTA policy, which says no player should be barred from competing in a tournament for which she has qualified.
"We are deeply disappointed by the decision of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) denying Shahar Peer a visa that would permit her to enter the country to play in the Dubai Tennis Championships," said Larry Scott, chairman and chief executive of the tour.
"Ms. Peer has earned the right to play in the tournament and it is regrettable that the UAE is denying her this right.
"Following various consultations, the Tour has decided to allow the tournament to continue to be played this week, pending further review by the Tour's Board of Directors.
"Ms. Peer and her family are obviously extremely upset and disappointed by the decision of the UAE and its impact on her personally and professionally, and the Tour is reviewing appropriate remedies for Ms. Peer, and also will review appropriate future actions with regard to the future of the Dubai tournament," Scott said.
"The Sony Ericsson WTA Tour believes very strongly, and has a clear rule and policy, that no host country should deny a player the right to compete at a tournament for which she has qualified by ranking."Friday, February 13, 2009
Pig Candy
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Krembo May Save Israeli Politics After All!

Twenty-one-year-old Amotz Eyal launches campaign intended to increase voter turnout on Election Day
Daniel Edelson
As polls predict a grim turnout for Israel's Election Day and forecasters announce stormy weather is brewing, many politicians urge the public to get out of the house and vote. But one ex-soldier believes words are not enough, and he is offering additional incentive. Amotz Eyal, a 21-year old from Psagot, has launched a campaign to bolster the voter turnout all over the country, together with the Yehiam Association for values and love of Israel.
The campaign includes a half-a-million text messages that will be sent to citizens calling on them to vote, as well as hundreds of billboards to the same effect and transportation to ballot boxes.
Also, in an unprecedented move, Eyal has enlisted 30 volunteers to travel from city to city and hand each voter a Krembo: An original Israeli treat made of a biscuit covered in cream and a thin layer of chocolate.
Eyal stressed the campaign was non-political. "It doesn't matter which side of the political spectrum you are on, a low voter turnout should scare you," he told Ynet.
"A government chosen by just part of the people is an illegitimate government… People need to understand the importance of voting, so we've decided to give them a symbolic treat. A person who gets a Krembo after putting his ballot in will understand that he has done a good, useful, and important deed."
Eyal said he realizes the treat will not be the sole reason people leave their homes to vote, but he believes it may persuade doubters as to the importance of voting.
"We have the power to influence not just the current elections but also future ones. A person who has performed his democratic right is worthy of respect, especially these days, it's not a trivial matter," he said.
Social activism has been Eyal's pursuit since his release from the army eight months ago. Upon returning his equipment in Tel Hashomer's Induction Base, he embarked on a march all the way to the Prime Minister's Residence in Jerusalem in order to hand him a letter decrying corruption among politicians.
"These things are important to 21-year olds as well," Eyal said. "I know a lot of people who want to help but are afraid to launch big and complicated projects. I have no fear, and they should stop being afraid and start doing."